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Why RSK’s Partnership with Microsoft is Key For Developers

Published on: 16 April, 2019

A few days ago Microsoft added RSK Smart MainNet as a public blockchain to be run on Azure as a service, making RSK one of the few public blockchains currently supported by a major cloud provider like Microsoft.

The integration with Microsoft’s blockchain-as-a-service marketplace (BaaS) allows developers to deploy and configure an RSK node in minutes, instead of setting up local servers and manually installing and maintaining the nodes. Now both non-blockchain and blockchain developers can learn and experiment with dApps at a low cost, making continued dApp development on the RSK smart contracts network even easier.

Without having to spend hours setting up and maintaining nodes, the dApp developers can now focus more of their time and attention on building their products. Easy node deployment and maintenance also makes life easier for infrastructure developers, who can start deploying services on the infrastructure layer (like Infura, for example) and start earning revenue.

What does this mean for the overall BTC community?

Until now, BTC did not support smart contracts, so developers built their dApps on Ethereum or other smart contract platforms. RSK uses the same programming language as Ethereum (Solidity), enabling developers to build dApps without the need to learn new programming languages. And since RSK is a sidechain that is 1–1 pegged with BTC, increased usage on RSK means increased usage on BTC.

In the months ahead we are focusing on building more dApp & infrastructure solutions in the near future including:

  1. Off-chain transactions for faster payments (Lumino)
  2. Providing storage to the network to earn fees
  3. Oracles in order to bring Web2 data to the RSK blockchain
  4. Secure communications

What would you like to see from RSK? Feel free to contact us here.